Thursday, April 14, 2011

Waiting Is Wasting For People Like Me

I wasn't sleepy, and I was waiting for Borderlands to finish downloading and installing.. so I decided to sketch. Here's a quickie (lack of shading) of the lovely and strong-willed Bri. She's always had a place in my heart since middle school, even though we don't talk as often as we used to.

25 minutes.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Your Shadow Cannot Be Cut

Sorry, folks. Have to head out. But hope you enjoy it nonetheless!

This random model is Krislam. I'm so glad you take sexy pictures. <3 Sorry you aren't done though :(

*Finished at Denny's. 40 minutes.

Love Comes Swiftly, Just Like a Tornado

Oh, it's been a damn busy week. I slept most of yesterday, though. I'm running off some green tea and chocolate milk (don't mix the two, I realized it was a bad idea after I drank it). Did a quick pen sketch before mom got done with dinner..

Damnit, Sifu! I will get better!

And uh, excuse the poor webcam quality and angle. Random Facebook is the beautiful Jheinn.

40 minutes.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

He Knows He's Been Here Too Few Years To Be Gone

I haven't updated in a while. Apologies! I owe this one to the Capt. So rut-be-gone for a night please. Here's kind of a self portrait. It wasn't supposed to be. Excuse the really bad picture quality. Blame Apple Ipods.